So Monday was another day from hell at my house. I got bitched out like you wouldn't believe. The computer is not working - the desktop. The laptop is fine so we are not off the grid. I got called every name in the book including a new one: old bag. Of course the standard 'cunt' was thrown in for good measure just to make sure that I got the message. Oh and also I was told that if I don't give him 'divorce papers I'm going to kill you.' I know you think I'm a dumb ass but I'm not doing either of those things - getting divorced or being murdered. I am not getting a divorce until my kids are older. I know, I know, I know. I am just telling you this because I can't keep it inside indefinitely and also that if you have it better than this than that's a good thing. I swear, I hope I live till my daughter marries. I want to be around to see how she is treated because if she's treated like crap I will go off. I think that's the thing that I'm most bothered by - that I have no one 'to take my side; no one to stick up for me'. I really would like that. I do have a brother but we are not close at all and it's been many years since we've seen each other.
Back to the computer. He, for some reason is not into using the laptop. I offered to hook up a wireless mouse and a keyboard but he damn near had a stroke over that. Literally he was so off the charts bat-shit crazy that he had to go to bed. Fuck you! Go the fuck to bed you fucking sorry excuse for a human. I was told that I had to stay home from work yesterday and sort it all out - the computer stuff. I was told to get on the phone with Microsoft and bitch and complain and get something for free from them because of the Windows 10 screw up. Well I didn't do that because it would have been a waste of time. I did go to Geek Squad and they told me that the computers -one we used everyday and the other is one with xp on older- are old and should be replaced because Windows 10 doesn't support the wifi card we use (cisco). Really a fiasco. But it's ok because again, we have a laptop and our phones so we are good for the time being. We'll get a new desktop or another laptop soon.
The worst part of this is the emotional pain. Oh wait! I forgot to say that Monday when he was going off on me and literally yelling at the top of his lungs, cursing and lunaticing - the door was open so God knows who heard him and now thinks he's a fucking head case. I thought that was amusing.
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