Hi and welcome. I thought it high time to get into the blog thing as I have a lot of stuff that should get out and if someone reads it - great. If someone laughs or it helps them in some way then awesome.
I am in a dysfunctional relationship in my home with my husband. I am not a clinician but I think that he needs professional help or rather professional help would help him. I also have children and am trying to make life for them the best possible. This includes being the submissive one, my husband being the dominant one - the MAN the BREADWINNER, the BOSS. HA. I also work outside the home but it is his income that is 'so much more and worked for so much harder' than I ever have. I hear this from him from time to time about how I don't make a lot of money and how I should look for a second job blah blah blah.
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