Friday, November 20, 2015

Oh, we are so sensitive

Here I am again absolutely loving the Rant & Rave column.  Here are a couple from over the summer that I discovered in my 'to read' pile.

This is simply classic! Imagine being offended that your old geezer of a dog is receiving, and is very appreciative of, so much positive attention. My goodness get over it.  You have been very fortunate that your doggie has been with you for 12 freakin' years!  Just be glad he is still able to go out and be treated in such a manner by strangers.  Or how about this idea?  SAY SOMETHING.  Instead of enduring the 'stab in your heart' tell the offenders to shut the hell up about your dog's age and slink away.  Jerks.

This is great. An open letter  'To the smokers who light up at SeaTac Airport arrival area who are illiterate'.  Oh I feel so bad for you looking at those illiterate cretins puffing and littering.  Yes, it is the airport's obligation to enforce the 'no smoking' issue but it is also up to you, you schlub, to take some responsibility for YOUR well-being.  Since you couldn't muster the balls to politely inform the offender that there is no smoking in the area.  Maybe approach them and smile and point to the sign that they apparently did not see or are purposely ignoring.  It is really that easy.  What on earth are you afraid of, you sniveling  pussy?

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